Our promise is to improve the lives of all Americans by giving policymakers access to high-quality information and engaging citizens as active participants in the formation of public policy.

The Harkin Institute for Public Policy & Citizen Engagement is located at Drake University and serves as a venue and catalyst for dynamic non-partisan research, learning, and outreach to promote understanding of the policy issues to which Senator Tom Harkin devoted his career.

Register now for a conference on agriculture and public health

Topics covered will include: Iowa’s high cancer rates, nitrates, avian flu outbreaks, and climate change.

A Taste of ReelAbilities in Des Moines

The Harkin Institute and the Des Moines Art Center will host A Taste of ReelAbilities on October 4-6, 2024. We will screen three feature films made for and by people with disabilities, for free!

Latest news from The Harkin Institute

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Address: 2800 University Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50311

Phone: (515) 271-3623

Email: harkininstitute@drake.edu

Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.