Members of The Harkin Institute’s team spoke at the Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation’s Spring Conference: Policy, Practice, and Performance – Partners for Tomorrow & Innovation for the Future.

Senior Policy Consultant Ashlea Lantz facilitated a panel dedicated to exploring the next frontier of disability employment policy through the lens of the private sector. The panel discussed everything from the value proposition of disability employment to identifying the role that the public VR system can play in meeting the employment demands of corporate America. Claudia Gordon highlighted the impact of Senator Tom Harkin’s WIOA legislation, driving home the importance of equality and access to employment opportunities prior to graduation for students and youth with disabilities, really driving home Senator Harkin’s intent for the legislation.

Ashlea also facilitated a panel titled “Increasing Resources, Savings, and Investments for People with Disabilities: How VR, Employers & National Organizations Can Work Together to Expand Strategies & Policies for the Disability Community.”  You can view the slides from the panel here.

The Harkin Institute’s Director of Disability Policy Daniel Van Sant led a session titled “Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Emerging Technologies,” which drew an impressive crowd! You can view his slides here.