Harkin Retirement Security Symposium

The Harkin Retirement Security Symposium is an annual event that gathers researchers, policy makers, advocacy groups, and the general public to address contemporary policy issues or legislative policy changes impacting the retirement security of Americans. The annual theme is selected with input from the advisory group and partner organizations.
Previous keynote speakers have included Connecticut Congressman John Larson, Minority Chair of the U.S. House Subcommittee on Social Security, Stephen Goss, Chief Actuary for the Social Security Administration, Mark Miller, Journalist and Author of “Retirement Reboot”, and Adam Carroll, Author and TedX Speaker.
Each year, the Harkin Retirement Security Symposium gives out two awards. The Harkin Retirement Security Symposium Advocacy Award goes to an organization that has consistently contributed to improving retirement security through advocacy and public engagement. The Harkin Retirement Security Symposium Visionary Award goes to an individual who has dedicated a substantial part of their career to improving the retirement security of all Americans.
Previous award recipients include Social Security Works, the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, and Connecticut Congressman John Larson.
2024 Harkin Retirement Security Symposium Follow Up Report
The annual Harkin Retirement Security Symposium addresses contemporary policy issues and legislative changes surrounding access to and adequacy of retirement savings, inequality in retirement preparedness, and financial literacy and wellness.
In this publication, we have compiled highlights from the three panels, the two keynote speakers and the extra discussion presentation at the symposium.
Harkin Retirement Security Symposium 2023
Our Inaugural Event!
September 13, 2023 in Washington D.C.
The first-ever Harkin Retirement Security Symposium was held in 2023. The theme of the event was “Preserving and Enhancing Social Security for All.” The event convened experts actively working on Social Security reform, research, and legislation, many of whom represent the most prestigious research and policy institutions in the country. Speakers covered a variety of topics, including restoring balance to Social Security, improving the economic security for working families, the status of older workers and retirement, and public opinion on Social Security reform and the legislative agenda. Attendees had the opportunity to engage in important conversations, make valuable connections, and delve deeper into issues that affect us all.
2023 Harkin Retirement Security Symposium Follow Up Report
The annual Harkin Retirement Security Symposium addresses contemporary policy issues and legislative changes surrounding access to and adequacy of retirement savings, inequality in retirement preparedness, and financial literacy and wellness.
In this publication, we have compiled highlights from the four panels and the two keynote speakers at the symposium, as well as two factsheets on Social Security and Disability Insurance. We also included a policy brief that provides an overview of the OASDI program and discusses its importance for the retirement security of all Americans, and major alternatives to balance the trust fund.
Address: 2800 University Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50311
Phone: (515) 271-3623
Email: harkininstitute@drake.edu
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.